The old project to delete of the “Reopen Closed Tab” Feature
Google has planned for a few years to kill the “Reopen Closed Tab” feature from its Chrome browser.
Early talks from 2015 were considering deleting that feature from the Chrome browser.
The bad news came on the 27th of October 2019 with the release of version 78.
The fact was that right-clicking on any tab was not proposing to “Reopen Closed Tab”.
Like many other users, I am an addict of that functionality and removing it was not understandable.
For a few days, I tried to adjust to that new reality…. And then the good news came!
They did not remove the feature!
How to find the “Reopen Closed Tab” feature on Chrome post version 78
They did not delete the feature but repositioned it.
As you can see in the image below, you cannot find the feature by right-clicking on any tab.

But you can find it by right-clicking on the tab bar to the right of the open tabs, as shown in the image below.

Here is a final video that shows you how to do it: