Breaking a routine can be useful

We keep on speaking about maintaining a routine.

Most of the people who implement routine do not keep them forever. They break after a while.

Maybe your priorities changed. Maybe your environment changed. Maybe you’re not so excited any longer about that routine.

You were keeping that perfect diet and then you ended up cheating with some sweets or things you forbade yourself to eat.

You were we meditating every day and after a weekend traveling you didn’t do it and the habit was broken.

And then comes the anxiety of dropping the ball. Why couldn’t we maintain the habit, while people around seem to keep theirs.

Maybe you just need a break from it. Take some fresh perspective. Everyone around is facing the same difficulties.

Do something different for a while. It will be refreshing.

Then ask yourself why you wanted to get that habit in the first place. How come you wanted so bad to have it?

You had a deep purpose and after a few weeks the purpose became to keep the habit. You disconnected from the root purpose.

Reconnect with the original true purpose. What is driving you? Is that personal learning, physical condition, a personal long term goal… There are many possibilities.

Do you have similar experience dropping the ball? How did it happen? How did you recover from it? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

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