The value of your word

If your word is true 50% of the time, which 50% is it? Your word is, in fact, worth nothing.

If your word is true 50% of the time, you are believable 0% of the time.

We are pushed into believing that we need to be assertive, decisive, self-confident.

But self-confidence comes from experience and competence.

Being assertive without being knowledgeable makes you a dangerous fool.

Don’t fake your confidence if you are uncertain about what you are being asked.

In 50% of the cases, you will get away with it. But if you claim something that isn’t real, then you will never be believed again. And your words will mean nothing anymore.

The only medicine is to be competent. You need to work hard until beyond a shred of a doubt, you know what you are talking about.

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