Is that your ego or your reason speaking?

Why do you want to do that project? Why do you want to achieve that goal?

It may very well be your drive to challenge yourself. It could be your craving for fame. It might also be your wish to be recognized for your competence or your talent.

Do you want to demonstrate something to yourself or to others? If you’re depending on other people’s recognition for your achievement and it never comes you’re up for disappointment.

Is your ego driving you? What are you willing to risk to yourself and to others to demonstrate your value? If things don’t go as expected how satisfied will you be? Or what are you willing to gamble to make it work?

The only way to be fully satisfied is to be centered. That means that you’re not expecting something from anyone and that you’re not expecting too much from yourself.

That also means knowing to appreciate the process and not being unhappy until the results are there. Because the results may never come, or you’ll realize that when you climbed the mountain that there is no other top to climb.

Hence, you should be focused on the present moment, question whether your actions are driven by yourself or your ego, and act accordingly.

Have a beautiful day, run a tremendous project, and a wonderful time climbing that mountain.

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