We are not born with the same amount of money on our account, with the assets our parents own, or the social class they are from, but there is one thing we are absolutely all equal with : the number of hours we get to spend every day.
Money can grow, can disappear, can come back, but time can’t. We are all given 24 hours to spend. Not one hour more, not a minute less.
Every minute that passes is lost. We cannot get it back. We cannot go back in time. We cannot save that time for later. We cannot jump forward in time.
People before us had 24-hour days, and people after us will have 24-hour days.
We get to “spend” time, not to “earn” time, or to “spare” time. But we can “invest” time.
Time is the rarest resources we are all given.
The use of this precious asset will determine what we do, what we learn, what mistakes we do, and hence who we become.
If we do not take care of our health, we may even be provided with less time to use in our life, such that it will end earlier.
If we do take care of our time, we may learn incredible things, spend amazing moments with people that we care, and achieve amazing results.
If done properly, we can leverage time to create even further wealth for ourselves, our families, and society.
The question is, how many hours of the day do you use for productive endeavours?
Some of use need 6 hours of sleep, others 9 hours. Assuming that we work 7 to 10 hours, we are left with between 5 and 11 hours.
What do you do with the time left? Do you spend time with your kids, with your parents, do you learn something new, do you do something meaningful to society, do you invest in your health by doing sports and eating right?
Time is precious, let’s not forget its value.
Are you you struggling with some poor habits? Do you have any tips on how to make better use of your time? Please drop a few lines below.
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