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Keep it simple

Humans tend to look for complex solutions when easy solutions could and should be found.

It is a matter of how we are made as species, probably something to do with our aptitude to always plan for the worst. But the tiger attack is an unlikely scenario.

It may be also a matter of inflating our egos to demonstrate our ability to produce complex solutions.

But at the end of the day, the true elegance is in the simplicity of the solution.

A beautiful design is minimal. Each function has a minimum number of components. Each object has a unique, optimized purpose.

As Antoine de St Exupéry said, “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away”.

If it can be simplified, it means you have not reached the final solution.

Besides, and hopefully, grasping the required level of complexity at an early stage of your project can save you some headaches at a later stage.

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